Elkhorn, NE: Brookestone Meadows – Olive Celebrates “100? With The Planting Of A “Doris Day” Rose
Life connections can be so much fun and this is a wonderful example with Olive receiving one of the first “Doris Day” patented roses for her 100th Birthday!
As life would have it, Olive’s daughter Bev in California is friends with a person who knows Doris Day and knew of the roses coming release. Once Bev told her friend of her mother’s 100th birthday celebration, word did get to Doris Day who wanted to make sure Olive could get one of her roses!
A planting ceremony was held in the Brookestone Meadows Rose Garden on May 15th where the rose bush has been given a prominent spot. Olive’s son Skip was present along with many of her resident friends and team members. We have been blessed to have been a part of this special moment that we know has created even more memories. Anticipation now is for the first bloom and with that “Quality Life” will continue to grow!
Quality Life: We will create a living environment that radiates love, peace, spiritual contentment, dignity and safety, while encouraging personal independence.
Vetter Health Services is…Changing the View of Long Term Care…Click on our In The Loop to see all the great stories. http://www.vhsintheloop.com/
Diane Bailey, Public Relations Coordinator – Brookestone Meadows, Elkhorn NE