Elkhorn, NE: It’s Never Too Late To Learn Something New

Vetter Health Services Communities connects their residents with the world around them through the innovative technology from the It’s Never 2 Late system (iN2L). The technology was developed by Colorado-based It’s Never 2 Late (iN2L), a company founded in 1999 that specializes in connecting older adults and their caregivers to the benefits of computers and the internet. iN2L’s picture-based, touch screen platform enables almost anyone to use a personal computer, even those with dementia.

The stories of how the technology has contributed to quality life of residents are endless! Some examples of how the iN2L system is used at our communities are:

• Challenging and fun games that enhance and exercise the brain.

• SKYPE with family and friends all over the world. Video calling connects you when can’t see them in person, combining iN2L and Skype’s ability for video calling is the next best thing. Talk with friend and family face to face, and see their reactions and expressions. A way to both hear them, see them as well.

  • Viewing county fair 4-H livestock shows in real time in online streaming video.
  • Trivia or reminisce about family vacations.
  • IN2L system allows therapists to custom design treatment programs for their residents, beyond the traditional means.
  • Puzzles, spiritual experiences, music, films, and lifelong learning opportunities.
  • Karaoke, Period Music.
  • Health & wellness tools to enable classes in Pilates, Yoga and other exercise instructional options for seniors.
  • Customized for the needs of the specific community and team, and continually updated and evolving content.

The iN2L system has a unique function in that can be completely customized for each resident. Team members can create a profile for the resident and assist with connecting the family with an online log-in. With this log-in they can remotely upload pictures, video, documents, and select iN2L features and applications the resident would enjoy. The next time the resident uses the system, they will have their own profile that has been created just for them and be able to access simply touching their own picture and logging in to their profile!

At all of our Vetter Health Services communities we are dedicated to creating quality life and providing quality care to those we serve. We understand that connecting and bringing people together is key. The It’s Never 2 Late system is a high-tech, user-friendly tool that enables those who have never touched a computer to experience the benefits of a highly connected, highly interactive world.

To find out more about the It’s Never 2 Late system at any of our Vetter Health Services communities please go to our website www.vetterseniorliving.com for the community location nearest you.

Vetter Health Services is…Changing the View of Long Term Care…Click on our In The Loop to see all the great stories. http://www.vhsintheloop.com/

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