Elkhorn, NE: It’s All About People!
Rhonda Flanigan hosted Vetter Health Services’ People Development Coordinators from all Vetter communities at the home office in Omaha on Tuesday and Wednesday, February 18th through 19th for the People Development Conference! Participants enjoyed their fellowship with one another as well as the interactive time of learning.
Glenn Van Ekeren kicked off the conference sharing the VHS Strategic Plan and explaining the role that People Development plays in the success of the People Focused Culture that VHS is striving to create. Glenn and Rhonda Flanigan followed up with a taste of the one year program called “People Focused Culture” that they facilitate with VHS communities who are striving to take their buildings to the next level of success! The remainder of the conference revolved around, what other than, people! The group spent time discussing a new Recruitment and Interviewing Guide and resources, discussing the new VHS orientation and mentoring programs as well as learning about how they, as People Development Coordinators, can use the My Innerview survey results to make a difference in the lives of team members and increase team member satisfaction. The time together ended with each person walking through a time of personal strategic planning to create their “Best Year Yet” plan.
Submitted by Rhonda Flanigan, People Development Coordinator, Vetter Health Services, Elkhorn, NE
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