Home Office: Golden Heights Honored For Sharing Gift of Music By It’s Never 2 Late
Jack York, Founder and CEO of It’s Never 2 Late (iN2L), a Colorado based company dedicated to providing dignity through technology to seniors was moved by a recent story he observed on the VHS In The Loop Website.
iN2L sponsored a contest for communities to submit their best stories of how the iN2L computer systems were making a difference for residents. The winning community was chosen by the employees of iN2L. The story submitted by Golden Heights Living Center in Garnett, Kansas brought the iN2L team to tears.
Chuck had an inspiring story of how music has helped him in his recovery from a stroke. He has since been using his love for music as a gift to other residents and now has his own iN2L karaoke activity scheduled a couple of times a month for others to enjoy.
Jack York presented Chuck with a personalized award for his winning story via Skype. Jack thanked Chuck for sharing his story about how he has used the iN2L music applications to help him in his recovery process. Jack also expressed gratitude for how Chuck is now inspiring others through his music groups.
Chuck was presented with an iPod shuffle and headphones that was filled with all types of music including many of his favorites like, early Elvis, Woody Guthrie, and so many others! Jack York and the iN2L team also presented Chuck with a special throw blanket with a famous quote by Bob Dillon that read, “I try my best to be just like I am.” Another remarkable gift for Chuck was a plaque that contained Elvis pictures with a personalized inscription on it, “Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” “Thank you Chuck for sharing your love of music with others. Keep singing!”
Chuck, and his wife Donna described the emotional award presentation and how grateful they are to know that the iN2L company was so generous. Chuck shared he is happy that they have the opportunity to use the iN2L in his everyday life. Chuck will continue to be a true inspiration to many at Golden Heights.
Vetter Health Services (VHS) is grateful for the Golden Heights team that made this quality life moment happen by encouraging Chuck in his use of the iN2L. Thank you to the Golden Heights Team for sharing this incredible story of the love of music, and ultimately the power of engagement in meaningful recreation, leisure, and social opportunities in restoration, healing, and rehabilitation. VHS is thankful for the generosity of our quality partner, It’s Never 2 Late, and for Jack York’s special recognition of a gentleman who is impacting so many lives in such an incredible way. Keep on singing Chuck!
Submitted By: Carol Barnes, Administrative Assistant – Golden Heights and Cameo Rogers, Life Enrichment Coordinator – Vetter Health Services