Fairbury, NE: Scholarship Recipients
Mikala Chrastil and Chelsea McCardle were the lucky winners of the $1,000 VHS scholarships. Everyone at Heritage is very proud of the hard work and dedication these ladies have for their work. Mikala is working towards her associate’s degree at Southeast Community College in Beatrice, and Chelsea is working towards her bachelor’s degree in business administration at Peru State College. They have both worked at Heritage for 3 years, Mikala as a dietary aide and nurse aide and Chelsea as a med aide and office manager. When not working, Mikala enjoys bowling and bow hunting. Chelsea spends her free time outside, working out at the gym and with family. Pictured in the photo are Beth Block, Administrator, Chelsea McCardle, Mikala Chrastil, and Franci McCown, Dietary Supervisor.
Submitted By: Katie Buxton, Life Enrichment Coordinator, Heritage Care Center, Fairbury NE