Elkhorn, NE: Vetter Health Services hosts AHCA Quality Initiative Symposium
“VHS Journey Continues Quality Initiative Symposium” was hosted for all Administrators, Directors of Nursing, Medical Directors, and Home Office team members.
We were honored to have Dr. Gifford with the American Health Care Association as our guest speaker. Dr. Gifford is the Senior Vice President of Quality and Regulatory Affairs to lead its internal quality department while pioneering initiatives on quality improvement in long term care. Dr. Gifford heads a new, enhanced department that oversees current quality initiatives, such Quality First, Keeping the Promise and the AHCA/NCAL National Quality Awards Program – a pathway for AHCA members to achieve performance excellence. He also is helping to develop new programs to help Association members provide high quality, person-centered care. He works closely with the Advancing Excellence in America’s Nursing Homes Campaign and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to implement quality initiatives for members.
Launched in 2012, the Quality Initiative is a three-year effort that builds upon the existing work of the long term and post-acute care field by setting specific, measurable targets to further improve the quality of care in America’s skilled nursing care centers.
These goals include:
• Safely Reduce Hospital Readmissions
• Increase Staff Stability
• Increase Customer Satisfaction
• Safely Reduce the Off-Label Use of Antipsychotics
States, Vetter Health Services President, Glenn Van Ekeren, “We are honored to host Dr. Gifford our continued quest for quality care and world class service. Dr. Gifford’s dedication to both the individuals who receive services in our nation’s long term care facilities and those who provide that care is unprecedented. He understands quality, but far more importantly, he knows how to assist others to implement and measure quality programs. David is a motivator and his leadership will enable the long-term care profession to go to new heights in meeting the expectations of quality performance.”